Little Alchemy 2: soluzioni e trucchi per Android

Little Alchemy 2 è un divertente puzzle game edito da Recloak, con una struttura di gioco molto semplice e divertente, anche se presenta alcuni elementi che è davvero molto difficile indovinare. Proprio per questo possono essere utili alcuni trucchi e soluzioni che possono aiutare specialmente quando la quantità degli elementi a disposizione diventa più grande.

soluzioni little alchemy 2

Come nel primo capitolo del gioco, di cui abbiamo pubblicato tutti i trucchi nel nostro articolo “Soluzioni per Little Alchemy“, si devono mettere insieme coppie di elementi chimici a partire da aria, terra, fuoco e acqua, che sono quelli base. La prima combinazione che suggerisce il gioco è aria + aria, da cui proviene pressione.

Il gioco è disponibile nella sola versione inglese, quindi le soluzioni di Little Alchemy 2 in italiano non sono ancora presenti. In totale in Little Alchemy 2 ci sono 700 elementi, che comprendono anche 4 sbloccati in fase iniziale.

Ogni elemento sbloccato ci consente di accedere ad una descrizione, che ci dà anche un indizio sugli altri elementi che possono essere inseriti nella combinazione.

Little Alchemy 2: tutte le soluzioni e i trucchi

Ecco quali sono cheat per Little Alchemy 2. Vediamo come unire i vari elementi, in modo da avere una panoramica più precisa di come procedere nel corso del gioco, superando anche quegli ostacoli che sembrano particolarmente difficili. Ti presentiamo un elenco di tutti i trucchi in ordine alfabetico, attraverso una suddivisione per lettera.

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera A

  • Acid Rain = cloud + smoke

  • Air

  • Airplane = bird + machine

  • Alarm Clock = clock + sound

  • Alchemist = human + gold

  • Alcohol = wheat + fruit

  • Algae = plant+ water

  • Alien = life + space

  • Allergy = human + dust

  • Alligator = lizard + lake

  • Alpaca = mountain + sheep

  • Ambulance = car + hospital

  • Angel = human + bird/light oppure demon + good (myths and monsters)

  • Angler = human + fishing rod

  • Animal = life + land

  • Ant = grass + animal

  • Ant Farm = farm + ant

  • Antarctica = desert + snow

  • Anthill = house + ant

  • Apron = fabric + cook

  • Aquarium = glass + water/puddle/pond

  • Archeologist

  • Archipelago = island + island

  • Arctic = ocean + cold

  • Armadillo = animal + armor

  • Armor = metal + fabric

  • Arrow = bullet + wood

  • Ash = plant + fire

  • Astronaut = human + space

  • Atmosphere = air + planet

  • Atomic Bomb = explosion + explosion/energy

  • Aurora = sun + atmosphere

  • Avalanche = earthquake + snow

  • Axe = blade + wood

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera B

  • Bacon = fire + pig

  • Bacteria = life + primordial soup

  • Baker = human + batter

  • Bakery = house + bread

  • Banana = fruit + monkey

  • Banana Bread = bread + banana

  • Bandage = blade + fabric

  • Bank = Gold + House/City

  • Barn = house + livestock

  • Bat = sky + mouse

  • Batter = milk + flour

  • Battery = electricity + container

  • Bayonet = blade + gun

  • Bbq = metal + campfire

  • Beach = Water/lake + Sand

  • Beaver = animal + river

  • Bee = animal + flower

  • Beehive = house + bee

  • Beekeeper = human + bee

  • Beer = wheat + alcohol

  • Bell = metal + sound

  • Bicycle = wheel + wheel

  • Big = universe + philosophy

  • Bird = Animal + Air/sky

  • Birdcage = bird + wall

  • Birdhouse = bird + house

  • Black Hole = pressure + sun

  • Blade = Stone + Metal

  • Blender = Glass + Blade

  • Blizzard = storm + snow

  • Blood = Human + Blade

  • Blood Bag = blood + container

  • Boat = water + wood

  • Boiler = pressure + tool

  • Bone = corpse + wolf

  • Bonsai Tree = tree + pottery

  • Book = story + container

  • Bottle = water + container

  • Boulder = stone + big

  • Bow = tool + cupid

  • Box = cereal + container

  • Bread = fire + dough

  • Brick = fire + mud

  • Bridge = metal + river

  • Broom = wood + hay

  • Bucket = paint + container

  • Bullet = gunpowder + tool

  • Bulletproof Vest = bullet + armor

  • Bus = car + car

  • Butcher = human + meat

  • Butter = pressure + milk

  • Butterfly = rainbow + animal

  • Butterfly Net = butterfly + net

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera C

  • Cabel Car = car + mountain

  • Cactus = plant + sand

  • Cage = wolf + wall

  • Cake = dough + candle

  • Camel = desert + animal

  • Campfire = fire + wood

  • Candle = thread + wax

  • Candy Cane = christmas tree + sugar

  • Cannon = gunpowder + castle

  • Canvas = fabric + paint

  • Car = bicycle + bicycle

  • Caramel = sugar + heat

  • Carbon Dioxide = plant + night

  • Carrot = grass + vegetable

  • Cart = wood + wheel

  • Cashmere = tool + mountain goat

  • Castle = stone + warrior

  • Cat = night + animal

  • Catnip = plant + cat

  • Cauldron = metal + pottery

  • Cave = house + wolf

  • Caviar = roe + salt

  • Centaur = human + horse

  • Cereal = milk + wheat

  • Chain = metal + rope

  • Chainsaw = lumberjack + machine

  • Chameleon = lizard + rainbow

  • Charcoal = fire + corpse

  • Cheese = tool + milk

  • Cheeseburger = cheese + hamburger

  • Chicken = bird + domestication

  • Chicken Coop = house + chicken

  • Chicken Soup = water + chicken

  • Chicken Wing = chicken + bone

  • Chill = air + cold

  • Chimney = smoke + brick

  • Chocolate = milk + sugar

  • Chocolate Milk = milk + chocolate

  • Christmas Stocking = christmas tree + wool

  • Christmas Tree = tree + light bulb

  • Cigarette = tobacco + paper

  • City = village + village

  • Clay = mud + stone

  • Clock = sundial + machine

  • Closet = umbrella + container

  • Cloud = atmosphere + mist

  • Coal = pressure + organic matter

  • Coconut = beach + vegetable

  • Coconut Milk = tool + coconut

  • Coffin = corpse + container

  • Cold = rain + human

  • Combustion Engine = explosion + machine

  • Computer = tool + hacker

  • Computer Mouse = animal + computer

  • Confetti = paper + scissors

  • Constellation = star + star

  • Container = pottery + philosophy

  • Continent = land + land

  • Cook = human + vegetable

  • Cookbook = book + cook

  • Cookie = cookie dough + heat

  • Cookie Cutter = blade + dough

  • Cookie Dough = dough + sugar

  • Coral = ocean + fossil

  • Corpse = explosion + human

  • Cotton = cloud + plant

  • Cotton Candy = air + sugar

  • Cow = field + livestock

  • Crayon = rainbow + wax

  • Crow = bird + field

  • Crystal Ball = glass + magic

  • Cuckoo = bird + clock

  • Cup = smoothie + container

  • Current = sea + heat

  • Cutting Board = wood + cook

  • Cyborg = human + robot

  • Cyclist = human + wheel

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera D

  • Dam = wall + river

  • Darkness = sky + night

  • Dawn = day + night

  • Day = sky + sun

  • Death = corpse + philosophy

  • Desert = sand + sand

  • Dew = plant + fog

  • Diamond = pressure + coal

  • Dinosaur = lizard + big

  • Diver = human + scuba tank

  • Doctor = human + hospital

  • Dog = wolf + domestication

  • Doge = dog + computer

  • Doghouse = house + dog

  • Domestication = human + animal

  • Don Quixote = windmill + hero

  • Donut = dough + oil

  • Double Rainbow = rainbow + rainbow

  • Dough = water + flour

  • Dragon = fire + lizard

  • Drone = airplane + robot

  • Drum = wood + leather

  • Drunk = human + alcohol

  • Dry Ice = cold + carbon dioxide

  • Duck = water + bird

  • Duckling = egg + duck

  • Dune = wind + sand

  • Dust = earth + air

  • Dynamite = gunpowder + pipe

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera E

  • Eagle = bird + mountain

  • Earth

  • Earthquake = earth + motion

  • Eclipse = moon + sun

  • Egg = phoenix + phoenix

  • Egg Timer = egg + clock

  • Electric Car = electricity + car

  • Electric Eel = fish + electricity

  • Electrician = human + electricity

  • Electricity = sun + solar cell

  • Email = computer + letter

  • Energy = fire + fire

  • Engineer = human + machine

  • Eruption = lava + pressure

  • Excalibur = stone + sword

  • Explosion = fire + gunpowder

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera F

  • Fabric = thread + machine

  • Fairy Tale = dragon + story

  • Family = human + human

  • Family Tree = tree + family

  • Farm = farmer + house

  • Farmer = plant + human

  • Faun = human + goat

  • Fence = field + wall

  • Field = earth + tool

  • Fire

  • Fire Extinguisher = fire + carbon dioxid

  • Firefighter = fire + human

  • Fireplace = wood + container

  • Firestation = house + firefighter

  • Firetruck = firefighter + car

  • Fireworks = explosion + atmosphere

  • Fish = water + animal

  • Fishing Rod = tool + fish

  • Flamethrower = fire + gun

  • Flashlight = tool + light

  • Flood = house + tsunami

  • Flour = wheat + wheat

  • Flower = plant + rainbow

  • Flute = wind + wood

  • Flying Fish = bird + fish

  • Flying Squirrel = bird + squirrel

  • Fog = earth + cloud

  • Force Knight = human + light sword

  • Forest = tree + tree

  • Fortune Cookie = paper + cookie

  • Fossil = stone + corpse

  • Fountain = water + statue

  • Fox = chicken + animal

  • Frankenstein’s Monster = corpse + lightning

  • French Fries = oil + vegetable

  • Fridge = electricity + cold

  • Frog = animal + pond

  • Frozen Yogurt = cold + yogurt

  • Fruit = water + flower

  • Fruit Tree = plant + fruit

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera G

  • Galaxy = solar system + solar system

  • Galaxy Cluster = galaxy + galaxy

  • Garage = house + car

  • Garden = plant + house

  • Gardener = human + garde

  • Gas = air + idea

  • Geyser = earth + steam

  • Ghost = grave + night

  • Gift = christmas tree + santa

  • Gingerbread House = house + dough

  • Gingerbread Man = life + dough

  • Glacier = ice + mountain

  • Glass = fire + sand

  • Glasses = glass + glass

  • Gnome = garden + story

  • Goat = livestock + mountain

  • Gold = metal + sun

  • Golem = clay + story

  • Granite = lava + pressure

  • Grass = earth + plant

  • Grave = earth + corpse

  • Gravestone = stone + grave

  • Graveyard = grave + grave

  • Greenhouse = plant + glass

  • Grenade = explosion + metal

  • Grilled Cheese = cheese + toast

  • Grim Reaper = death + deity (Myths and Monsters)

  • Gun = bullet + bow

  • Gunpowder = fire + dust

  • Gust = wind + small

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera H

  • Hacker = human + glass

  • Hail = cloud + ice

  • Ham = smoke + pig

  • Hamburger = cheese + meat

  • Hammer = stone + tool

  • Hamster = wheel + mouse

  • Hangar = airplane + container

  • Harp = wire + angel

  • Hay = farmer + grass

  • Hay Bale = hay + hay

  • Heat = air + energy

  • Hedge = plant + wall

  • Hedgehog = animal + needle

  • Helicopter = windmill + airplane

  • Hero = human + lightning

  • Hill = big + boulder

  • Hippo = water + horse

  • Honey = flower + bee

  • Horizon = earth + sky

  • Horse = animal + land

  • Horseshoe = metal + horse

  • Hospital = house + sickness

  • Hot Chocolate = chocolate + heat

  • Hourglass = sand + glass

  • House = wall + wall

  • Come ottenere Human = life + clay

  • Hummingbird = bird + butterfly

  • Hurricane = sea + tornado

  • Husky = snow + dog

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera I

  • Ice = water + cold

  • Ice Cream = milk + cold

  • Ice Cream Truck = car + ice cream

  • Ice Sculpture = ice + statue

  • Iceberg = sea + ice

  • Iced Tea = ice + tea

  • Idea = human + light bulb

  • Igloo = house + cold

  • Internet = computer + computer

  • Island = volcano + sea

  • Ivy = plant + wall

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera J

  • Jack O Lantern = night + vegetable

  • Jam = fruit + machine

  • Jar = jam + container

  • Jerky = meat + sun

  • Juice = pressure + vegetable

  • Jupiter = cloud + planet

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera K

  • Kaiju = city + monster (Myths and Monsters)

  • Katana = blade + heat

  • Kite = wind + paper

  • Knife = blade + cook

  • Knight = warrior + hero

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera L

  • Lake = water + pond

  • Lamp = metal + light bulb

  • Land = earth + earth

  • Lasso = cow + rope

  • Lava = fire + earth

  • Lava Lamp = lava + lamp

  • Lawn = house + grass

  • Lawn Mower = tool + grass

  • Leaf = wind + flower

  • Leather = tool + pig

  • Legend = story + story

  • Lens = glass + tool

  • Letter = paper + pencil

  • Librarian = human + book

  • Library = book + container

  • Life = volcano + primordial soup

  • Light = electricity + light bulb

  • Light Bulb = glass + electricity

  • Light Sword = light + sword

  • Lighthouse = ocean + light

  • Lightning = energy + cloud

  • Lion = animal + cat

  • Liquid = water + idea

  • Little Alchemy = small + alchemist

  • Livestock = animal + domestication

  • Lizard = stone + animal

  • Log Cabin = wood + house

  • Love = human + human

  • Lumberjack = tree + human

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera M

  • Mac And Cheese = cheese + pasta

  • Machine = tool + tool

  • Magic = life + rainbow

  • Magma = lava + science

  • Mailbox = letter + box

  • Mailman = human + letter

  • Manatee = sea + cow

  • Map = paper + land

  • Maple Syrup = heat + sap

  • Mars = desert + planet

  • Marshmallows = campfire + sugare

  • Mayonnaise = egg + oil

  • Meat = tool + pig

  • Medusa = human + snake

  • Mercury = planet + heat

  • Mermaid = human + fish

  • Metal = fire + ore

  • Meteor = atmosphere + meteoroid

  • Meteoroid = stone + solar system

  • Microscope = glass + bacteria

  • Milk = farmer + cow

  • Milk Shake = milk + ice cream

  • Mineral = stone + organic matter

  • Minotaur = human + cow

  • Mirror = glass + metal

  • Mist = water + air

  • Mold = bacteria + vegetable

  • Monarch = human + castle

  • Money = paper + gold

  • Monkey = tree + animal

  • Moon = sky + planet

  • Moon Rover = moon + car

  • Moss = plant + stone

  • Moth = moon + butterfly

  • Motion = wind + science

  • Motorcycle = bicycle + machine

  • Mountain = earth + earthquake

  • Mountain Goat = mountain + goat

  • Mountain Range = mountain + mountain

  • Mouse = cheese + animal

  • Mousetrap = wood + cheese

  • Mud = water + earth

  • Mummy = human + pyramid

  • Music = flute + musician

  • Musician = human + flute

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera N

  • Narwhal = fish + unicorn

  • Needle = tool + thread

  • Nessie = story + lake

  • Nest = bird + house

  • Net = angler + rope

  • Newspaper = paper + paper

  • Night = sky + moon

  • Ninja = human + shuriken

  • Ninja Turtle = turtle + shuriken

  • Nuts = tree + farmer

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera O

  • Oasis = water + desert

  • Obsidian = water + lava

  • Ocean = water + sea

  • Oil = pressure + sunflower

  • Omelette = fire + egg

  • Optical Fiber = light + internet

  • Orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree

  • Ore = earth + hammer

  • Organic Matter = life + science

  • Origami = bird + paper

  • Ostrich = earth + bird

  • Owl = bird + night

  • Oxygen = plant + sun

  • Ozone = electricity + atmosphere

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera P

  • Paint = water + rainbow

  • Painter = human + paint

  • Painting = canvas + painter

  • Paleontologist = human + fossil

  • Palm = tree + beach

  • Pan Flute = flute + flute

  • Paper = pressure + wood

  • Paper Airplane = airplane + paper

  • Paper Cup = paper + cup

  • Parachute = sky + umbrella

  • Park = garden + city

  • Parrot = bird + pirate

  • Pasta = egg + flour

  • Peacock = bird + double rainbow

  • Peanut Butter = butter + nuts

  • Peat = plant + swamp

  • Pebble = stone + small

  • Pegasus = bird + horse

  • Pencil = wood + charcoal

  • Pencil Sharpener = blade + pencil

  • Penguin = bird + cold

  • Penicillin = doctor + mold

  • Perfume = water + flower

  • Petroleum = pressure + fossil

  • Philosophy = human + idea

  • Phoenix = fire + life

  • Picnic = grass + sandwich

  • Pie = dough + fruit

  • Pig = mud + animal

  • Pigeon = bird + city

  • Piggy Bank = pottery + pig

  • Pilot = human + airplane

  • Pinocchio = golem + story

  • Pipe = tool + tobacco

  • Piranha = fish + wolf

  • Pirate = gun + sailor

  • Pirate Ship = sailboat + pirate

  • Pitchfork = tool + demon (myths and monsters)

  • Pizza = cheese + dough

  • Planet = continent + continent

  • Plankton = water + life

  • Plant = life + soil

  • Plasma = pressure + heat

  • Platypus = beaver + duck

  • Plow = tool + field

  • Polar Bear = animal + ice

  • Pollen = dust + plant

  • Pond = water + puddle

  • Popsicle = ice + juice

  • Post Office = house + letter

  • Potato = earth + vegetable

  • Potter = human + clay

  • Pottery = clay + tool

  • Pressure = air + air

  • Primordial Soup = lava + sea

  • Printer = paper + computer

  • Prism = glass + rainbow

  • Pterodactyl = air + dinosaur

  • Puddle = water + water

  • Pumpkin = field + vegetable

  • Pyramid = stone + desert

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera Q

  • Quicksand = sand + swamp

  • Quicksilver = metal + liquid

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera R

  • Rabbit = animal + carrot

  • Rain = cloud + heat

  • Rainbow = water + sun

  • Rainforest = rain + forest

  • Rat = sailboat + animal

  • Recipe = flour + paper

  • Reed = plant + pond

  • Reindeer = christmas tree + animal

  • Ring = diamond + metal

  • River = lake + motion

  • Rivulet = puddle + motion

  • Robot = metal + life

  • Robot Vacuum = robot + broom

  • Rock = big + pebble

  • Rocket = atmosphere + machine

  • Roe = egg + fish

  • Roller Coaster = train + park

  • Rope = thread + thread

  • Rose = plant + love

  • Ruins = ?

  • Ruler = wood + pencil

  • Rust = air + metal

  • Rv = house + car

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera S

  • Sack = salt + container

  • Saddle = tool + horse

  • Safe = gun + container

  • Safety Glasses = explosion + glasses

  • Sailboat = wind + steamboat

  • Sailor = ocean + human

  • Salt = sea + sun

  • Sand = air + stone

  • Sand Castle = sand + castle

  • Sandpaper = sand + fabric

  • Sandstone = stone + sand

  • Sandstorm = tornado + sand

  • Sandwich = bread + meat

  • Santa = human + christmas tree

  • Sap = tree + blade

  • Saturn = small + jupiter

  • Scalpel = blade + doctor

  • Scarecrow = human + hay

  • Science = human + telescope

  • Scissors = blade + blade

  • Scorpion = animal + dune

  • Scuba Tank = air + container

  • Scythe = blade + grass

  • Sea = water + lake

  • Seagull = sea + bird

  • Seahorse = ocean + horse

  • Seal = sea + dog

  • Seaplane = sea + airplane

  • Seasickness = ocean + sickness

  • Seaweed = ocean + plant

  • Seed = plant + pollen

  • Sewing Machine = thread + machine

  • Shark = ocean + wolf

  • Sheep = livestock + land

  • Sheet Music = paper + music

  • Shovel = tool + gardener

  • Shuriken = metal + star

  • Sickness = human + bacteria

  • Silo = wheat + container

  • Skateboard = wheel + ski goggles

  • Skeleton = bone + bone

  • Ski Goggles = cold + glasses

  • Skier = human + ski goggles

  • Sky = sun + atmosphere

  • Skyscraper = sky + house

  • Sleigh = snow + cart

  • Sloth = tree + manatee

  • Small = bacteria + philosophy

  • Smog = smoke + fog

  • Smoke = fire + air

  • Smoke Signal = smoke + fabric

  • Smoothie = fruit + ice

  • Snake = electric eel + land

  • Snow = rain + cold

  • Snow Globe = cold + crystal ball

  • Snowball = stone + snow

  • Snowboard = snow + surfer

  • Snowman = human + snow

  • Snowmobile = snow + motorcycle

  • Soap = ash + oil

  • Soda = water + carbon dioxide

  • Soil = earth + life

  • Solar Cell = energy + sun

  • Solar System = planet + planet

  • Solid = earth + idea

  • Sound = air + wave

  • Space = sky + solar system

  • Space Station = house + atmosphere

  • Spaceship = airplane + space

  • Spaghetti = thread + pasta

  • Sphinx = stone + lion

  • Spider = animal + thread

  • Spotlight = light + machine

  • Sprinkles = rainbow + sugar

  • Squirrel = animal + nuts

  • Star = space + telescope

  • Starfish = sea + star

  • Statue = stone + hammer

  • Steak = fire + meat

  • Steam = water + fire

  • Steam Engine = steam + machine

  • Steamboat = ocean + steam engine

  • Steel = metal + charcoal

  • Steel Wool = metal + wool

  • Stethoscope = tool + sound

  • Stone = earth + pressure

  • Storm = cloud + cloud

  • Story = human + hero

  • Stream = pond + motion

  • String Phone = wire + cup

  • Stun Gun = electricity + bow

  • Sugar = fire + juice

  • Sun = fire + planet

  • Sundial = tool + sun

  • Sunflower = plant + sun

  • Sunglasses = sun + glasses

  • Super Nova = explosion + sun

  • Surfer = human + wave

  • Sushi = fish + seaweed

  • Swamp = mud + grass

  • Sweater = tool + wool

  • Swim Goggles = water + glasses

  • Swimmer = water + human

  • Swimming Pool = house + lake

  • Sword = blade + wood

  • Swordfish = blade + fish

  • Syringe = doctor + needle

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera T

  • Tank = gun + car

  • Tea = water + leaf

  • Telescope = glass + planet

  • Tent = house + fabric

  • The One Ring = volcano + ring

  • Thermometer = glass + quicksilver

  • Thread = tool + cotton

  • Tide = ocean + moon

  • Time = si sblocca con un determinato numero di elementi sbloccati

  • Titanic = iceberg + legend

  • Toast = fire + bread

  • Tobacco = plant + smoke

  • Tool = stone + human

  • Toolbox = tool + container

  • Tornado = wind + wind

  • Toucan = bird + rainbow

  • Tractor = farmer + car

  • Train = steam engine + wheel

  • Trainyard = train + container

  • Treasure = pirate + treasure map

  • Treasure Map = pirate + map

  • Tree = plant + big

  • Treehouse = tree + house

  • Trojan Horse = horse + machine

  • Tsunami = sea + explosion

  • Tunnel = engineer + mountain

  • Turtle = beach + animal

  • Twilight = day + night

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex = meat + dinosaur

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera U

  • Ufo = alien + space station

  • Umbrella = rain + tool

  • Unicorn = rainbow + horse

  • Universe = galaxy cluster + galaxy cluster

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera V

  • Vacuum Cleaner = electricity + broom

  • Vampire = human + blood

  • Vase = plant + pottery

  • Vault = safe + big

  • Vegetable = plant + domestication

  • Venus = volcano + planet

  • Village = house + house

  • Vine = rope + rainforest

  • Vinegar = wine + oxygen

  • Volcano = earth + lava

  • Vulture = bird + corpse

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera W

  • Wagon = horse + cart

  • Wall = brick + brick

  • Wand = tool + wizard

  • Warmth = air + heat

  • Warrior = human + bow

  • Watch = human + clock

  • Water

  • Water Gun = water + gun

  • Water Lily = pond + flower

  • Water Pipe = water + pipe

  • Waterfall = mountain + river

  • Wave = wind + lake

  • Wax = bee + beehive

  • Web = thread + spider

  • Werewolf = human + wolf

  • Wheat = grass + domestication

  • Wheel = water + tool

  • Wild Boar = animal + pig

  • Wind = air + pressure

  • Wind Turbine = electricity + windmill

  • Windmill = wind + house

  • Wine = fruit + alcohol

  • Windsurfer = wind + surfer

  • Wire = metal + electricity

  • Witch = cauldron + legend

  • Wizard = human + magic

  • Wolf = moon + animal

  • Wood = tree + tool

  • Woodpecker = tree + bird

  • Wool = tool + sheep

  • Wrapping Paper = christmas tree + paper

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera Y

  • Yeti = antarctica + story

  • Yogurt = milk + bacteria

Soluzioni e trucchi di Little Alchemy 2 per la lettera Z

  • Zombie = life + corpse

  • Zoo = animal + cage